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- Your filters are too specific. Broaden your search criteria
- The domain name was mistyped or doesn’t exist. Double-check its spelling.
- This is a new website or page, and we haven’t crawled it yet. Please come back later.
Compititors Domain:
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Top Compititors Domain
Keyword | Pos. | Volume |
Organic Position Distribution
Competitive Positioning Map
Data visualizations are based on the domain's organic traffic and the number of keywords that they are ranking for in Google's top 10 organic search results.
To improve the accuracy of the result, you can specify domains that are known to intersect with the target in SERPs; If you use this filter, results will be based on SERPs where both target website and intersecting domains appear.
Here you can select how deep in SERP should we search for competitors. By default we look within the top 10 results (TOP 10). For example, if you select "TOP 20", then we will analyse only top 20 results for each keyword in your campaign and find your competitors, that only appear in top 20 results. Change this to "TOP 5", or even "TOP 3", when you need to get a list of strongest competitors.
Organic Competitors
A list of domains an analyzed domain is competing against in Google's organic search results.
Domain The domain an analyzed domain is competing against in Google's organic search results. | Traffic The amount of estimated organic traffic driven to an analyzed domain | Sum SERP Positions Sum of all positions this domain ranks for in SERP | Avg SERP Position Average SERP position for the domain (calculated for common keywords only) | Common Keywords The count of keywords both the analyzed domain and a competitor rank for in Google’s organic search. |