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Keyword Research
By Domain
Ranked keywords for:
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Organic Search Traffic
Ranked Elemnts For This Domain(30d)
Type | Count | % |
New | ||
Lost | ||
Down | ||
Up |
Top Organic Keywords
Keyword The keyword bringing users to an analyzed domain via Google's top 100 organic search results. | Intent The keyword bringing users to an analyzed domain via Google's top 100 organic search results. | Pos. | Volume | CPC (USD) | Traffic% |
Modash | I | 1 | 2.9 | 5.2 | 16.20 |
Modash | C | 1 | 2.9 | 5.2 | 16.20 |
Modash | N | 1 | 2.9 | 5.2 | 16.20 |
Modash | C | 1 | 2.9 | 5.2 | 16.20 |
Modash | N | 1 | 2.9 | 5.2 | 16.20 |
Modash | N | 1 | 2.9 | 5.2 | 16.20 |
Organic Position Distribution
Keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 100 organic search results are grouped depending on the domain’s ranking for them.
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- asc
- desc
- asc
- desc
Search Volume
- asc
- desc
Traffic volume
- asc
- desc
- asc
- desc
- asc
- desc
- asc
- desc
ignore synonyms
If set to "True", all highly similar keywords will be excluded.
All Results:
Keyword The keyword bringing users to an analyzed domain via Google's top 100 organic search results. | Search VolumeThe average number of times users have searched for a given keyword per month over the last 12 months. | Traffic VolumeThe site position in organic search results for the given keywords. | Traffic %The percentage of organic traffic driven to the website with the given keyword for the specified period. | CPC $The average price in USD, advertisers are paying for a user's click on an ad triggered by the given keyword (Google Ads). | KD %The higher the percentage, the harder it is to achieve high rankings for the given keyword. | PositionThe position an analyzed domain gets in organic search results for a listed keyword. | ChangeRanking change of the url for the given keyword in the past 30 days. Current position in SERP Vs. 30 days ago | URLShows the URL ranking in SERP for this keyword | IntentDescribes the primary search intent behind the keyword (informational, Navigational, Commerical, Transactional) | UpdThe time when a given keyword was last updated. |